Seen’t It: Logan Noir


What’s black and white and red all over…my eyes, damn feels

Reviewed by Peakymints

Alamo Drafthouse movie theaters across the country hosted a special one night theatrical screening of Logan shown entirely in black and white, Logan Noir, with Q&A with director James Mangold and actor Hugh Jackman.


Logan takes place in the future where there are nearly no more mutants. An ailing Charles Xavier (Sir Patrick Stewart) is being cared for by an tired, weary Logan (Hugh Jackman) who is trying to keep them isolated from the world, when a young girl, Laura (Dafne Keen), a new mutant who needs his help to escape the people hunting her down.

All that’s missing is some Adamantium claws

Logan is final time that we see Hugh Jackman as the title character. A role that many fans believe that he has so made his own that he is irreplaceable as Wolverine, it’s rare to get an actor who embodies the look and feel of a character as Jackman had done. It is also the last time that Sir Patrick Stewart will don the role as the iconic Professor X on the big screen. These elements add to the feels that is already expected in Logan​. Having seen both the colorized and black & white versions of Logan, preference goes to the black and white version, which aside from being aesthetically pleasing, feels grittier and more emotionally raw. Logan Noir engages and stays with you in a way that the colorized version can’t do. This desaturated Logan forces a more in depth look at the performance being given by the actors, a movie that is already not on the path of typical comic book movies. Logan was already refreshing in that most movies are trying to grab your attention and kids’ with CGI, bright colors, cute characters and explosions, it stepped away from that to give an adult comic movie.


There’s like no difference from this and the color one

In the live Q&A Mangold told the audience that R rating wasn’t just for the violence in the film but to give adults who grew up reading and watching this franchise a grown up movie with the themes that accompany it. The Q&A also offered insight on how Mangold and Jackman were already in the mindset of a R rated Logan even before Deadpool was being made. Jackman told the audience that he didn’t become emotional till he and Stewart were watching the film and in the final scene where the cross is changed to an x that it really hit that was it, this was the end of his time as Logan. But if a torch must be passed then I hope that they keep Keen on as Laura. She did an amazing job and gave a solid acting performance. If they keep her on as X-23 I think she will embody the role just like Jackman did for Wolverine.

Hugh Jackman’s hands are soo soft


On May 23, 2017 you can judge for yourself version is best way to view Jackman’s last performance as the iconic Wolverine when Logan comes out on Blu Ray with both the original theatrical and noir versions. Logan is 20th Century Fox film.

Rating: Yukon gold

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