Seen’t It: Castlevania


Sorry but your vampire is in another castle

Reviewed by Peakymints

Netflix brings the classic NES game Castlevania to anime life. The video game, developed by Konami, centers around the Belmonts a family of vampire hunters and Dracula. The 1989’s Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse is the source material for the show.

Will try not to spoil the show too much. Basically in a nutshell Dracula’s wife is killed by the church, and he kinda gets miffed. So miffed that he wants to destroy all humans 😏, now that’s love right there. We get introduced to Trevor Belmont, whose family has had a falling out with the church, and The Speakers a group of nomadic type monks who are looking for a prophesied knight who is supposed to help end Dracula.

This is a horror anime based on a horror game. This is not for children, in fact they show dead children. The developers for the show did a good job of giving a story to a game that really didn’t have one. They also gave Dracula some depth, he’s got just some evil incarnate being who wants to eradicate mankind because he’s evil but because he lost the one good thing in his life (aww he’s got feels y’all). I wanted a tad bit more backstory about Dracula and also the wife it seemed interesting, perhaps some will be given in the next season. Trevor Belmont is snarky and sarcastic, and just a bit of an asshole that makes him kind of a jerk but you still like him. One thing I didn’t like about his character aside from him being a trope is that at least once in the episode he announced his name. 

If you’re like me and didn’t play the games there’s not much if any game lore that you have to wad through to get an understanding of the anime.The season is short, four episodes, and each episode is about 25 minutes long. So it’s a quick binge and you can feel accomplished that you finished a season in a couple of hours. I can honestly say I was hooked after the first episode, but when things got interesting it ended. The last episode leaves you shaking your fists like ‘come on’. The four episode season feels like a test run to see if people are actually interested in the show. Maybe it was originally 12 episodes because season 2 is rumored to be 8 episodes.

Castlevania began streaming on Netflix July 7, 2017 so go watch it now!

Rating: well dressed potatoe

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